From Play Date to Soul Mate

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Things I Learned in July :)

1. I don't like sharing my husband for a week. The first week of July we took our youth group to Texas for the National Youth Gathering and while I was with my husband daily...I was also sharing him with the whole group! We slept in separate rooms (to be expected of course) but I never had alone time to just talk to him and see how each other were doing. Even though I was with him…I missed him and our alone time together!

2. Don't make rash decisions or purchases…take the time to think and PRAY about it!

3. Everyone handles grief in their own way and it is not our place to judge them. Instead I learned to pray for them and encourage them even if it's not the way I personally grieve.

4. I feel so much better when I TRUST God and be PATIENT instead of worry and want things in MY timing. When I pray and truly seek God's will and just wait quietly…I'm so much more relaxed and at peace with everything.

5.  I really do feel better when I eat healthier and exercise! Junk food and couch sitting makes me feel lazy and slow all day!

6. I like blueberries! I've never really eaten them before July and now I'm eating them like crazy!

7. I started my blog in July! I always wanted to but never thought anyone would want to read it. I realized that it doesn't matter what others think…I'm doing it for me because I enjoy writing!! I CAN do things just because I want to!! There's no need to try to please others all the time.

8. I have the most amazing husband…well, I didn't just learn this in July...but July was our 2nd anniversary and I was thinking about how he never ceases to amaze me. I love him more each and every day and he is constantly teaching me new things and showing me his love :)

9. Last but not least…to LIVE LOVED means to live each day fully knowing and embracing God's love for us...HIS PERFECT LOVE! Never let a day go by without thinking about how amazing God's love is, how awesome it is that He forgives us, and how un-limitless His grace is! This is what they talked about all week at the National Youth Gathering and it was such an awesome reminder that we are SO LOVED by God and we should act like it!

I'm sure I learned a lot more but these are the things that came to mind right away.

To see what other bloggers have learned in July check out Chatting at the Sky

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  1. Love the love (for Jesus, your man, and others) radiating from this post. Stopping in from Emily's.

  2. Yay for you starting your blog, it is an awesome outlet! Nice to meet you! Stopping by from Chatting at the Sky!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! #3 brings back memories of how I wish I would have seen that someone was grieving differently when I just thought they were trying to be bossy. Keep blogging, your heart shines through as you write. Stopping in from Emily's.
